Machine Tool Technician
Mig Welding
Napoleon, OH, United States
Weld Fixtures
Community Project
We need a experienced Machine Tool Tech to help with an exisitng weld cell consisting of 2 robots with coordianted motion. Assist Robot Programmer in modifying the fixture to allow for better access for the robots weld paths.
Skilled Trade
Tooling Technician
Able to asses the exisitng weld fixture and modify or make suggestons to modify fixture to helo with robot path optimization. Machine small components of the fixture. Adjust fixture blocks, etc.
Safety Equipment Required
- 1.Standard PPE (Safety shoes, glasses, ear protection)
- 2.Lock out / Tag out
Key Information
- Start date Immediate
- Estimated end date05/17/2024
- # People needed 1
- Shift Days
- Planned hours per day12
- Planned days per week 4
Bill Rates
- Base Rate (per hour) $ 52.00
- OT Rate (per hour) $ 67.60
- DT Rate (per hour) $ 83.20
Daily Per Diem
$ 200.00
(Receipts Not Required)
Work Public Documents
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